The Bog Shaman: Manchán on Moriarty
A celebration of the wild and wonderful Co. Kerry philosopher John Moriarty. Manchán Magan engages with clips of his recorded talks.
Produced by Ronan Coleman
7 episodes
Ep. 7 Our Reptilian Brain
The fear inside of us is one with that of the fear of colts of buffaloes and chicks of hawks. We are being led by our past terrors.
Season 1
Episode 7
Ep. 6 Miasmas of the Mind
More wisdom from the great bouffant-haired philosopher of the ditches and dairy yards. The Doctor Who of West Kerry
Season 1
Episode 6
Ep. 5. Obligatory dream sequence, feat. Robert Sheehan & Aisling Rogerson
To help guide me through the mire of Moriarty's meandering mind I called upon the help of Robert Sheehan of this reality and beyond, and Aisling Rogerson of
Season 1
Episode 5
Ep. 4 In Praise of Crookedness
We're back with the great Swami Moriarty – Ireland’s Ram Dass, our very own Terence McKenna. Wondering what Yeats would have made of him. Would he have thought he had stumbled upon an actual druid? Had him plucked, stuffed and mounted in the Na...
Season 1
Episode 4
Ep. 3 Luring night-walkers and horses to the yard
Moriarty explains how a river can call itself back into the eternity out of which it came, and leads us into a time that is older than the time of chronometers. Meet John's mother, a sovereignty goddess, with her womb of turf and eggs,...
Season 1
Episode 3
Ep 2. The Dumbledore of Irish deep-thinking on Commonage Consciousness
Moriarty, the Dumbledore of Irish deep thinking, connects an Inuit hunting ritual to the Christian mass and from there bounces off to a memory of cattle being loaded near Galway train station. He addresses the notion of sinning a...
Season 1
Episode 2
Ep 1. Hailstones in your Face
'All ground is holy ground,' says the great John Moriarty, the great Kerryman who was half-carnival huckster, half bottle-eyed druid, with a little bit of narcissistic Catholic bishop thrown in. Listen up as he tells us to 'come home to earth' ...
Season 1
Episode 1